Monday 2 September 2013


Sustainability has come to stay likewise has it become a worldwide scientific concept used in every disciplinary household. It has caused a paradigm shift in addition to the dread caused to its doubters and deniers, especially its possibilities which is connected to the fact that these proponents feeds and are made fat by unsustainable living. Sustainability came to being as a result of significant concerns about the unanticipated social, environmental, and economic consequences of  growing population , economic growth and consumption of our natural resources. Many definitions of sustainability exist but in most cases slants toward a win-win option for the three pillars or spheres of sustainability i.e economic, environment and social system. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations (National Environmental Policy Act, 1970). Sustainability is important in making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials and resources to protect human health and our environment for generations. The simplest definition of sustainability is improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems (IUCN/UNEP/WWFI ,1991).

Without a sustainable living on planet earth, man will become endangered species for which the cause is traceable to him and the solutions can only be proffered by him. The legacy effects of past unsustainable living are evident around us. The loss of biological diversities, expansion of world deserts, extinctions of wetlands and natural sanctuaries, the disappearance of ecosystem services and the emergence of climate change are pointing signals of unsustainable life styles which threaten human security and existence on this terrestrial ball. Traffic of aftermaths has followed unsustainable living some of which include insecurity of different kind, diseases, unanticipated environmental hazard among others. We cannot continue to wallow in unsustainable living and expect no feed backs or response. Everything can be and must be sustained starting from the largest water body found in oceans to the little drops of rain water in rural pots, from the thickest forest found in Congo basin to the scanty shrubs panting for water in Kalahari Desert, from the well protected temperate soils to the highly eroded tropical soils. Everything is sustainable, development is sustainable, the nation is sustainable, the continent is sustainable and our world is sustainable.
Sustainability is a precautionary call to prevent outright breakdown of the earth. Think and act sustainably


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